Sunday, July 13, 2008

30 weeks...

for whatever reason 10 weeks always seems like an appropriate time period for a countdown. maybe its the relationship to binary (10 = 1010). in high school, lance and I had a 10 week countdown to find true blove before valentine's day resulting in us showering each other w/ $10 worth of carnation messages from "your secret admirer". at my first job, joe-e saliva and i had a bet where i had 10 smokes left before quitting cold turkey. he had to lose 10 pounds. winner took the other to schmancy italian dinner. i lost (took me ten yrs to quit, thanks taco).

here we are at our 10 week countdown to schmoo. its feeling more imminent so we're actually trying to get some of our to do list complete. we've signed up for a refresher course geared towards home birth. we've got folks and backups in place to take care of goob and taco. and hopefully this is the week i start that prenatal yoga class. woo hooo!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

29 weeks prego part 2

shmoo is huge, no doubt about it. i got a look at myself in a bikini and had no idea i'd gotten that big. 29 weeks and this whole prego thing is setting in. fortunately, i'm still able to sleep through the night but only on my side. meals are smaller and more often and i can't imagine my stomach muscles ever going back to "normal". shmoo is much more active in utero than taco was with 8-10 pm being the witching hours. since taco was a couple weeks early its also dawned on us that we're in a 10 week countdown before our whole world changes again. yeee haw.

name for today: thor


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

pondering the ole career, cont.

i spent the past 48 hrs working in honolulu, including travel time. took the 8:20 flight out of seatac on monday and the redeye back on tues night. a big hug from the family, a quick shower and back to work. brutal. did i mention i'm 28 weeks prego? the trip reminded me to consider my career options whenever the timing is right. the company i work for is an excellent firm, the projects are exciting, the pace is demanding. at the end of the day, i just want to work with good clients who appreciate my work and want me on their team, oh and i want to work 32 hrs and not think about work whenever i'm not there. since i'm making a wish list, i'll add i want to be paid big bucks. unfortunately, all these wishes put me on the "mommy" track at the office. i've just gotta decide i'm ok w/ that or more on. blah. mostly i just want sleep.

look ma, no feet!

roc loves his new trike but he's a few months shy of the pedals.