Thursday, April 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Taco!

happy birthday little man. today for your 1st birthday, lolo and lola came to visit at daycare and brought you a big shiny balloon. we went to the pool where you cruised down the lazy river and we topped off the night w/ a japanese smorgasborg at toyoda. you ate toro and saba and teriyaki and miso. and you celebrated the big 1 by gorging on tempura ice cream. yummmm. your dad and i never imagined it would be this good.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

do you think that went well?

boing boing had this to share today. an artist in ny stenciling sidewalk psychiatry. she describes the piece "As people sacrifice personal time for hectic schedules, these casual occasions for reflection become all the more important." all too true. my schedule leaves little room for self reflection. taking the bus last night was the longest mindless down time in a while. after the family is taken care of, i get so caught up w internet or tv or email, that its a conscious decision to stop and read for pleasure or listen to music or just sit and talk. sad, eh? this post just happens to coincide w/ the upcoming national tv free week - april 21-28. its a challenge to myself (and jala2 if he so chooses), to turn off the tv and computer, and maybe take a moment to read whats written on the sidewalks.