Saturday, June 21, 2008


musings for june. its been a hectic month. after a couple days on the jersey shore and a couple more weeks of practice, tac is walking! its still a bit frankensteiner but oh so cute.

...other milestones: tac is finally in a big boy carseat. go cavaliers! car seats are a racket. we chose a clearance college team seat based on color. he doesn't seem to mind. he's started using the milk and all done signs. we're not at all consistent so kudos to daycare for teaching him these signs.

...almost to the third trimester. wooo hoooo! 2nd time around has been uneventful. we'd heard the first kid is all about the pregnancy and the second kid your too worried about how you'll manage 2 kids to stress about the pregnancy. its true, we're just as excited for schmoo to get here but don't have the same pre-birth anxieties. or maybe just don't have the time. taco will be 17 or so months when shmoo arrives. he'll stay in daycare while i'm on leave. i remember thinking this was odd when other moms did it, but i get it now. shmoo isn't going to have the same undivided attention that taco got and keeping taco in daycare is the only way to give shmoo that time. it also means we don't lose their spots in daycare.

...iron man RULED. thanks to aunt veen for sitting.

...names for today: hugo, severiano

happy solstice!