hey taco, you're like school on a saturday
nooooo class. don't let that smile fool ya, taco's still got the runs. after a week at home, jala1 and i chanced it at daycare today. i got the call about an hr into the day that it was time for taco to go home. this schedule is brutal. each of us is working part time and chasing after taco the other half the day. for a while there he wasn't sleeping very well either so we were collectively exhausted and crabby to boot.
i've exhausted any mommy tricks i had for entertaining him - aquarium, toystore, walks, riding the S.L.U.T, fred meyer, opening a drawer full of tupperware. earlier this week i broke down and popped in a VHS of baby mozart, plopped taco a couple feet from a tv much too large for this house and hoped it would be the magical babysitter. maybe i missed the window on when this video is supposed to hold a babies attention but taco wouldn't sit still for any of it. its a video of baby toys in action, things that in real life would be fun for him to actually play with but didn't translate well at all to video. its a stretch to believe babes are supposed to BENEFIT from watching this. ah well, the television did deliver in the form of the backyardigans. for 5 full minutes, taco was enchanted by the dancing tots (or are they teens? in this particular episode they were all surfer kids and one of them drove). the music was entertaining and non-offensive. i had time to fold the laundry and regroup. i heart television.