Friday, August 08, 2008

so there

no, huggy's not early. thats taco 15 1/2 months ago. i was convinced he was making faces at us. he's still surprising us...

Milestone 1: Last night we were reading taco a book called peek a who. Each page has a picture of something that rhymes w/ boo...moo, you, zoo. One page has a picture of a train. As I turned the page saying PEEEK A....tac answered CHOO CHOO. We made him do it 3 times because jala1 didn't think he actually got it. Lo and behold, our little man knows what a train is.

Milestone 2: this morning jala1 was asking him where his various facial features are and for the very first time he touched his nose in response, clearly identifying it vs any other body part.

Yahooey! He hits most milestones at daycare so it was nice to see these before they told us about it. The choo choo one was the first in a while we actually caught together.


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