Saturday, March 31, 2007

week 37

...18 days til d'day. craaazy. now its just a waiting game. i'm increasingly tired and full work days are wearing me out. i've got a couple deadlines coming up so i'm trying to stick it out until ray ray arrives.

...i had an odd symptom of prego come up that i'd NEVER heard of. last sat i wake up w/ a pain down my arm and tingling in my middle finger. by monday, the pain had gone away but the tingling sensation in my 2nd and middle fingers continued. dr a said its prego related carpal tunnel syndrome and would likely go away after birth. a couple days later though, the tingling hadn't gone away and had spread to my thumb depending on time of day. i decided to see my regular doctor for a second opinion. yep, its carpal tunnel syndrome. i guess i'm so swollen these days that its blocked the median nerve in my wrists. sooo freakin annoying. upon further research, 28% of prego women get this.

...props to the work ladies for a lovely shower and many thanks to lavina and rosanna for hosting!

...breastfeeding class was a hoot. we chose the brown baby and learned some good positions for latching and the like. the teacher was a bit annoying (you know the kind that tilts their head a lot and smiles when they talk, "smarmy" as jala describes her) but a bevy of info so i shouldn't complain. for today: vince


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