Tuesday, January 23, 2007

week 28

well its here, the third trimester. wooooo hoooo. i'm packing 30 pounds extra so far and have 12 weeks to go still. w/out a scale at home, i've resorted to weighing myself for a quarter at the grocery store and getting my lotto numbers as a bonus. i've yet to win.

...we registered. the second babies r us experience was slightly traumatic. i'm still against the fear and guilt based marketing campaigns but am now treating it as a necessary evil. we're trying to limit the stuff we acquire as casita jalanquera is "cozy" by all realtor descriptions. on the plus side, while waiting for our scanner, i had my new name announced over the loudspeaker for the first time.

...prenatal yoga just started. the first class was a hoot. its at a pace i imagine my mom's yoga class at the villages. mostly breathing and stretching. i nearly fell asleep.


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