Thursday, November 23, 2006

all we hear is baby boy ga ga...

....i didn't even make it out of the ultrasound. she asked if I wanted to know and i caved. "it's a boy! and he's not shy." hoooray. it didn't make a difference either way but w/ 6 granddaughters, i knew mom and dad would be extra psyched.

which begs the question of is it easier to raise a boy or a girl? not having had any experience i would say boys. only because i'm sure my sister and i caused my parents more anguish than my brothers. but how much of that came from gender stereotypes linked to their culture and heritage? how much of that will seep into raising our own family? i'm guessing more than my idealistic, independent, feminist side would care to believe.

...i've been consuming mtv while the sun comes up. actual videos. i was sure videos were a relic of the last decade as i've only noticed reality shows on mtv of late. i don't know what i was hoping for but all the songs were crap.

...almost forgot the other milestone, we felt him kick! FINALLY. i was beginning to stress. i'd sit in the early moments of the morning concentrating on my lower abdomen. feeling absolutely nothing. after this week's ultrasound i now realize baby haha was just being polite. if my bladder is full then there it's actually kind of squishing him. back to kicking. we tried a little experiment where we put headphones on my belly and cycled through various musical genres on the ipod. different music prompted ray ray to do somersaults and eventually kick. we started w/ classical then onto motown, classic rock and clutch. i say this now, i think my friends rule of no kiddie music in the car is AWESOME and plan to enstate said rule in the wagon.

enough kvetching. its thanksgiving! time to cook the donuts. oh and be thankful. which i am very much so. so very much that i'll end this post with a happy face. : )


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